Navigae is a platform of search for consulting data from geography studies.
Realized by
Centre IST Regards of the UMR Passages, this platform was conceived in the context of the
ImaGEO consortium, coordinated by the Centre IST Regards.
This consortium aims to make accessible, available for consultation and reusable, cartographic and photographic data resulting from collections of research laboratories or from libraries.
How does Navigae work ?
Navigae is a platform of search which values the spatial dimension of the data.
It so allows to access and to visualize digital data from research structures or from libraries, according to modes of interrogation and cartographic visualization.
Navigae performs the recovery of heritage and scientific data having a spatial component, according to the specificities of OAI-PMH protocols, SPARQL to recover the formalized data in RDF triplets, and according to the REST API architecture.
How to contribute to Navigae ?
You can be harvested by Navigae if your data have spacial information and for which the entry by the space is relevant.
The collecting of the data can be realized if you have a point of access towards a warehouse OAI-PMH, towards a warehouse RDF (triple store) or towards an API.